Thursday, December 15, 2011

The 3/50 Project

How did The 3/50 Project begin?
As many great things accident.

The first week in March 2009 sowed the seeds for what would later become a firestorm—
Monday: Oprah does a show instructing consumers to stop spending money on anything that was non-necessity

Tuesday: CBS News reports that “Consumer spending drives 70% of the economy. When consumers put their wallets away, the economy has trouble making a U-turn.”

Friday: In a guest spot on the Today Show, Erin Burnett from CNBC talks about how psychology plays into the economy and the importance of innovation in times of difficulty

Sunday: Erin’s back, this time on Meet the Press, chiding the national media for taking negative hyperbole into the stratosphere

Mix those together with a deep seated desire to create a message that’s positive and achievable, and, get a blog post written on March 11, 2009, giving birth to The 3/50 Project.

The next week, I threw together a free flyer businesses could crank out of their desktop printers to hand customers. Within 48 hours, I received more than 350 emails asking “What else have you got?”

So I built the website you see today, launching it mid-afternoon on Monday, March 30th.

In the first seven days, more than 7,600 people found it (8,600+ if you count repeat visits).

Be careful what you blog about. It just might change the world. Or at least someone’s world.

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